Everybody loves a good nap from time to time, but it is often a gamble as to whether you feel better or worse when you wake up. Naps can be very beneficial if done correctly, and can be a great way to get a quick boost of energy or relieve some stress. If done incorrectly, you run the risk of messing with your circadian rhythm and waking up feeling groggy. Personally, I really enjoy naps, especially when they help me to feel refreshed. I also recently found an article that helps explain the pros and cons of napping, along with how to go about taking successful naps. The article will be linked here.
I found this article to be very interesting and also quite useful. The circadian rhythm is something that I find intriguing because it is a cycle that varies from person to person. From a biological perspective, I would think that everyone would have a relatively similar circadian rhythm to follow, but in reality, this isn’t necessarily the case. Some people can get 3 hours of sleep each night and be okay, whereas others need to get 9 or 10 in order to feel the same effect. Consistency is a big factor when it comes to your circadian rhythm, and naps are the same way. Doing it at the same every time will help you to get better results. But if you already have a hard time sleeping at night or can’t find time to take naps more than 6 hours before your bedtime, you may be better off avoiding naps entirely.
Depending on how long your naps are, they may have different benefits. Taking a 20-30 minute nap can help to boost your energy, but won’t do too much more. If you take a 90 minute nap, your brain will start to form new connections, and this can help with your creativity. They can also help to reduce stress, which in turn will help prevent a myriad of medical conditions. And of course, your overall mood will be better since you will no longer be tired!